Setting up a cooperative

Setting up a turn-key housing cooperative from CZK 14,900 including VAT!

A cooperative is a business corporation consisting of at least 3 persons, established for the purpose of doing business or for the purpose of securing the economic, social or other needs of its members. A special type of cooperative is a housing cooperative that serves exclusively to satisfy the housing needs of its members.

Do not hesitate to contact us – we will form your cooperative professionally and fast without unnecessary paperwork and delays. We can customize your statutes and resolve all other issues.

For existing cooperatives, including housing cooperatives, we offer bookkeeping and payroll agendas as well as all the legal agenda associated with the operation of a cooperative - change of statutes, election of new statutory bodies etc.

Professional services for your cooperative 

  • Establishment of a new cooperative and its registration in the Commercial Register.
  • Changes, amendment and modification of the statutes of an existing cooperative.
  • Election and registration of new cooperative statutory bodies (board of directors, audit committee, etc.).
  • Registration of your cooperative at the tax office, health insurance, and social security administration.
  • Bookkeeping and payroll agenda for business and housing cooperatives.
  • Tax and legal advice for the cooperative.
  • Dissolution and liquidation of a cooperative and its deletion from the Commercial Register.

Process of establishing and creating a cooperative

The founding document of a cooperative is called the statutes. To establish a cooperative, a constituent meeting of the cooperative is required, the course of which must be certified by a notarial deed. The constituent meeting of the cooperative determines the registered capital, approves the statutes of the cooperative and elects the board of directors and the audit committee. The legal existence of a cooperative begins upon its incorporation, i.e. registration in the Commercial Register. Prior to filing the application for registration, at least half of the registered capital must be paid.

The creation and termination of membership in a cooperative

Members of a cooperative may be both natural and legal persons. If, according to the statutes, membership is conditional upon a working relationship with a cooperative, a member may be a natural person who has completed compulsory schooling and has reached 15 years of age.

The cooperative is obliged to keep a list of all its members.

Statutory bodies of a cooperative

The membership meeting of a cooperative decides on the most important cooperative issues, elects other cooperative bodies that are responsible for their activities.

The board of directors is the executive body of a cooperative with general competence, i.e. it manages and decides on those matters that are not within the competence of other cooperative bodies. It is a statutory representative of the cooperative.

The audit commission is the control body that controls the activities of the cooperative, all its members and bodies.

Dissolution and termination

The legal existence of a cooperative is terminated by its deletion from the Commercial Register. A cooperative involved in a cross-border merger shall cease to exist as of the date of entry of the cross-border merger in the Commercial Register or in the foreign  Commercial register.

The cooperative ceases to exist

  • By resolution of a membership meeting.
  • By the cancellation of bankruptcy following the completion of the resolution or the abolition of bankruptcy on the ground that the debtor's assets are  completely inadequate.
  • By a court decision.
  • After the expiration of the period for which the cooperative was established or the achievement of the purpose for which the cooperative was established.
  • A notarial deed must be made on the decision of the board member to abolish the cooperative.
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