Ready made LLC (LLC) is an already established company registered at the Municipal Court, which has a fully redeemed share capital and no business history. This company was established solely for the purpose of its sale to the end customer.
Profispoleč holds in its portfolio a wide offer of pre-established ready-made companies fit for immediate sale, that:
- Are registered in the Commercial Register
- Have 100% redeemed the share capital
- Have no business history
- Have acquired a trade licence for free trade
- Have no debts or liabilities
- You can start acting on behalf of such a company within 24 hours after expressing your interest in purchasing
- All of our stated prices are final
To avoid any confusion or delays with the transfer of the company, please see below the basic information about the documentation, that we will need for the transfer of a ready-made company and for the subsequent filing for a registration of changes into the Commercial Register or for further processing of related requirements.
Information on the documents and documentation required for the assignment of a ready made limited liability company (LLC)
"... This is an explanation of the basic concept and information that you should fill into the order form ." ... if you have advanced knowledge of the legal field, skip this section ..."
Change of business name of a company
A name of a ready-made company can be either changed or you can keep the existing one. If you decide to change the name of a ready-made company, you should pay particular attention to avoid registering the same or interchangeable name of the company with those, which are already incorporated in the Commercial Register (you can check on ). A possible change of name becomes effective upon its entry into the Commercial Register. Until then, it is necessary to use the original one.
Registred office
In the event that you decide to change the registered office to your own address, it is necessary to prove the consent of the property‘s owner with the location of the registered office and an abstract from record of the Land Registry not older than 3 months (these documents will be prepared by our company).
Of course there is also the possibility to maintain your registered office at one of our virtual offices located throughout the Czech Republic.
Expansion of the business scope
All our companies registered in the Commercial Register have acquired a licence for free trades, i.e. manufacture, trade and services not specified in Annexes 1-3 of the Trade Law with scope of activities:
- Brokering services
- Wholesale and retail trade
- Accommodation Services
- Provision of software, consulting in the field of information technology, data processing, hosting and related services and web portals
- Services of information and news agencies
- Real estate agency, property administration and maintenance
- Leasehold and renting of movables
- Advisory and consulting services, specialized studies and reports
- Advertising business, marketing, media representation
- Services in the field of administration and organization
- Operation of travel agencies and tour operators in tourism
- After-School training and education courses, training, including teaching
- Running cultural, educational and entertainment facilities, organization of cultural productions, entertainment, exhibitions, fairs, shows, sales and special events
The business subject can be arbitrarily expanded or reduced within the framework of the General Meeting during the assignment of a company. However, it is important to note that the authorization to do business in the given area becomes effective only after an announcement of the trade at the Trade Office.
In the case of operating regulated / licensed crafts by a legal body, a responsible representative is required by law. No one can be appointed to the position of a responsible representative on behalf of more than four entrepreneurs (§ 11 of Act 455/1991 Coll., on Trade Licensing as amended).
The scope of business can be extended by the following activities:
- živnosti volné (licensed for all 80 free trades- the complete list of activities available under this link)
- živnosti řemeslné (skilled trades)
- živnosti vázané (restricted trades)
- živnosti koncesované (trades requiring concession)
Documents required for the person of a responsible representative:
Statement of a responsible representative pursuant to § 46, paragraph 2, letter g of Act 455/1991 Coll., on Trading (with a certified signature), in case of a craft trade, regulated trade or licensed trade, it must be accompanied by documents verifying an appropriate education and experience (original documents or certified copies)
Associates / Partners
An associate may be both a natural or legal person. If an associate is a natural person, we need to know:
- Name, surname, personal identification number (date of birth for foreigners), address of permanent residence
- Amount of shares
In the event that a partner is a Czech legal entity:
- Business name, ID, address, abstract from record of the Commercial Register not older than 3 months
- Amount of shares
In the event that a partner is a foreign legal entity:
- Current extract from the Commercial Register or similar document issued by the competent authority in the country, where a company has been established. That document must clearly show who is entitled to act on behalf of the company and that the company exists. The document must also be translated to the Czech language by a certified translator (bearing an Apostille if required)
- Amount of shares
Statutory authority - Managing Director
A Managing Director of a limited liability company may be any natural person. It is not required to reside in the CR, not even in the case of non-EU citizens. Acting on behalf of a company is possible immediately after the General Meeting‘s decision, even before the registration of a Managing Director into the Commercial Register. NEW: Also a legal entity can be a statutory authority of the LLC.
A manner of acting on behalf of the Company
In the event that your company has more managing directors, it is always necessary to consider whether any of them should act individually or all of them should act jointly.
Managing Director - citizen of the CR
- Name, surname, birth certificate number, residential address
- Extract from the Criminal record of the CR not older than 3 months
- Affidavit and signature specimen (officially certified signature)
Managing Director - EU citizen
- Name, surname, birth certificate number, residential address
- Extract from the Criminal record of the country of origin not older than 3 months translated by a certified translator into the Czech language (with an Apostille if required)
- Affidavit and signature specimen (officially certified signature)
Managing Director - non-EU citizen
- Name, surname, birth certificate number, residential address
- Extract from the Criminal record both of the CR and country of origin, not older than 3 months, moreover an extract from the country of origin translated by a certified translator (with an Apostille if required)
- Registration for VAT
VAT registration
The Company is not at the time of its sale registered as a payer of value added tax. At your request, we shall file for a voluntary registration for VAT.
Share capital
The minimum share capital of a standard ready made Company (LLC) is 1 CZK, we however recommend, a registered capital of at least 200.000 CZK. If you are interested in a better corporate image, you can choose from our ready made companies with a higher basic capital!
Do you want to buy a shelf LLC company?